Biblical Paradigms of Transformation
Our actions are driven by what we truly believe. A paradigm is like a prism through which we view our world and the circumstances we face each day. When we allow the Bible to be the prism through which we form our worldview, our actions become strategic and effective in bringing about real change. These paradigms exist to align our beliefs with God’s revealed purposes and to position us to experience God’s transforming power in our lives and in the world.
Paradigm #1
The Holy Spirit working through the Church is God’s only plan for establishing and expanding the Kingdom of God on earth until Christ returns.
Paradigm #2
Repentance and forgiveness position us to experience God’s transforming power, while sin and unforgiveness are the primary roadblocks.
Paradigm #3
God’s Kingdom advances through fervent, focused, and united prayer.
Paradigm #4
The Kingdom of God is established any place where Jesus is invited to occupy and reign as Lord, and God’s will is done practically on earth as it is in heaven.
Paradigm #5
God has delegated spiritual authority to people through the institutions of the family, the church, the marketplace, and the government, therefore, those in positions of spiritual authority have responsibility for the spiritual atmosphere of their homes, churches, businesses, and cities.
Paradigm #6
Every believer is a minister and has been apportioned grace and power to fulfill their calling and become the catalyst for transformation in the places where they live, work and worship.