City Transformation Prayer Summit

A City Transformation Prayer (CTP) Summit is an opportunity for pastors and leaders from a specific geographic region to gather for 2 days to seek God’s face together, repent of sin, receive fresh vision, hear biblical teaching on transformation, and intercede for their city. When God’s people come together to humble themselves and pray, they position themselves for something powerful to happen in their city. At GGTP our only agenda is to facilitate the gathering of leaders to pray and to give biblical context for the healing and transformation of their land.
Each session of a CTP Summit focuses on one or more of the 6 Biblical Paradigms of Transformation.
Subjects include:
- Our corporate identity and mission as the Church
- Biblical promises that position the Church and our city for the supernatural
- Changing the spiritual atmosphere through fervent, focused, and unified prayer
- The role of repentance and forgiveness in experiencing the healing of our land
- Spiritual warfare and the exercise of spiritual authority
- How the Lordship of Christ establishes a beachhead for the Kingdom of God on earth
- The value and ministry of every believer
Consider hosting a CTP Summit in your area!

Upcoming Events
Urlabari, Nepal
Surat Thani, Thailand
Mandalay, Myanmar
Surat Thani, Thailand
Mandalay, Myanmar
Paro, Bhutan
Phitsanulok, Thailand